“美国各界对习主席的到访表示高度关注,对此访成果充满期待。作为美方企业接待代表,我有幸聆听了习主席的讲话,并与其有简单的交流。”贺楚门说,美中作为世界上两个最大经济体和有影响的大国,在当前形势下面临许多共同机遇和挑战,更加相互依存。美中两国的合作共赢不仅关乎两国,也关乎亚太地区和全球的未来。 “我们支持中国发起的亚洲基础设施投资银行和‘一带一路’倡议在全球经济发展中发挥重要作用,并积极致力于加强两国在经贸投资领域合作,主张早日达成双边投资协定。” 贺楚门表示,如新集团也将继续扩大在华投资,更多地参与中国社会事业发展,愿为增进美中两国人民的相互理解、促进两国经贸合作做出积极努力。“我相信,习主席此访定能进一步推动美中关系稳健发展,为世界经济发展营造良好氛围。最后,衷心地祝愿习主席此次访美取得圆满成功。” 以下为贺楚门(Mr. Truman Hunt, president and CEO of Nu Skin)的寄语: Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived today for his state visit to the United States in Seattle. This is his second visit to the United States since he became the president of China, and his first state visit. President Xi's visit happens at a time during which China’s international environment continues to undergo profound and complex changes and the Sino/US relationship enters into a new historical stage. Xi’s visit will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the US- China bilateral relationship as well as international and regional situations. Americans from all walks of life have expressed great interest in and are full of expectations about the results of this visit. As a representative of the US business reception, I had the honor to listen to the speech of president Xi, and had some brief communication with him. The United States and China are the world's two largest economies and the world’s most influential powers. The two countries currently face many common opportunities and challenges and have become more interdependent. The ability of the United States and China to continue to develop a win-win relationship will not only impact them, but will have a profound impact on the future of the Asia Region and the world. We believe the Asian infrastructure investment bank launched by China and "The One Belt, One Road Initiative" will play an important role in the development of the global economy. We are actively committed to strengthening the economic, trade links and cooperation between the two countries. We advocate an early agreement on Bilateral Investment Treaty. Our company will continue to invest in China and participate in the development of Chinese society. We are willing to make efforts to promote mutual and positive understanding between the two peoples as well as to promote economic and trade cooperation between the two countries. I believe president Xi's visit will further promote the steady development of Sino/US relations, and will create a good atmosphere to further the development of the world economy. Finally, I sincerely wish President Xi's visit a complete success.▲ (原标题:如新贺楚门:习主席此访将推美中关系稳健发展) 责任编辑:小申 解读新闻热点、呈现敏感事件、更多独家分析,尽在直销报道网微信,扫描二维码免费阅读。