【直报网北京3月26日讯】(中国发展高层论坛)第二十届中国发展高层论坛将于3月23-25日举行。本届论坛增设了“CDF之声”栏目,向国内公众和国际社会传递论坛与会代表的观点和心声。今天发声的是美国安利公司董事会联合主席德·狄维士(Doug DeVos)。 1959年,杰·温安洛和理查·狄维士在美国密歇根州创办了安利公司。 1995年,安利(中国)日用品有限公司正式开始营业。 经过二十多年发展,目前安利(中国)的经营区域已遍布全国32个省/直辖市/自治区、在广州建有美国海外最大的生产基地,安利(中国)已成为安利在全球范围内的最大市场。 1995年,安利(中国)开业 安利(中国)也积极履行企业社会责任。成立于2011年的安利公益基金会,致力于从营养和教育两方面帮扶中国贫困儿童群体。 美国安利公司董事会联合主席德·狄维士(Doug DeVos)经历了二十五年来,中国市场发生了翻天覆地的发展变化: “中国市场的规模之大、范围之广令我折服,其活力之盛、潜力之深始终令我惊叹。我们坚信中国的未来可期。” 今年是德·狄维士主席连续第十一年参加中国发展高层论坛。每一年,狄维士主席都会分享他对中国改革和发展的见解和体会。今年他又会带来哪些精彩言论?狄维士主席将通过微博图文,实时更新参加中国发展高层论坛的最新动态。保存下图并扫描图中的二维码,即可关注狄维士主席微博。欢迎转发朋友圈,为狄维士主席打call! ![]() 以下是德·狄维士的视频中英文全文: 大家好 我是德·狄维士,来自安利公司。 非常荣幸有机会分享我们在中国发展高层论坛以及中国市场的发展和体验。 中国发展高层论坛已经举办了二十年,我很有幸受邀参加了十次论坛。亲眼见证中国市场的巨大发展变化,特别是在安利进入中国大陆市场的二十五年来。 我很希望能和大家分享我们的故事,我想这会是一个很好的例子来说明,我们关注的不仅是过去二十五年的发展,更是要着眼未来。 二十五年前的中国市场与今天截然不同,我们看到了翻天覆地的发展变化,这也是助力安利(中国)二十五年发展的重要因素。这样的发展变化仍在继续,中国市场的开放程度也在不断推进,这些都在过去十年的论坛讨论中有所体现。但一路走来我们也面临着挑战,我认为承认挑战的存在至关重要。 尽管过去面临着诸多挑战,但我们的合作关系历久弥坚,发展道路始终向前,这些也是历年中国发展高层论坛上大家讨论的焦点。 98年以来我们的业务大跨步发展,今天中国已经成为安利全球最大的市场。回顾我们的发展历程,我们一直遵循着持续向前的发展方向。 正如我所提到的,挑战总会存在,发展的路上总会有起伏,但总体上来看,我们的发展始终强劲、稳定,始终积极向前。 就我个人而言,中国市场的规模之大、范围之广令我折服,虽然市场中存在挑战,但其活力之盛、潜力之深始终令我惊叹。 保持经济的优质发展需要付出很大努力,我们也知道,强劲的经济发展之后也可能面临一些市场的起伏波动,但安利对中国市场的承诺长久不变,就像我们曾经做过的那样,公司初创、行业叫停,我们还是毅然回归中国市场,并把这里发展成安利全球最大的市场,因为我们坚信中国的未来可期。 我很期待参加今年的中国发展高层论坛,也希望可以继续参与讨论如何让中国市场发展得更好、保持不断向前的发展方向、继续造福中国人民中国消费者以及所有在华经营的企业。 在论坛上我们听到了有深度的公开讨论,我们也看到了积极的前进态势。安利公司也很荣幸可以成为其中的一员,我们对未来充满期待! Hi, I’m Doug DeVos, with Amway Corporation and it’s an honor to have this chance to talk about the China Development Forum and all the things that we’ve experienced in China. The China Development Forum celebrating 20 years and I’ve been honored to be able to participate in ten of those forums so far and being able to see a lot of what has happened over the 25 years that Amway has been operating in China. So, if you’ll allow me to tell our story, I think it can have an important example of how we see things, not only in our past 25 years, but for the future as well. You know, 25 years ago China was very, very different and we’ve seen things change dramatically and, if anything, that is the greatest story that we’ve experienced in Amway China. Now, those changes have all been moving forward. They’ve been opening up the things we’ve been talking about at the Development Forum for the past decade as well and before, but we’ve also had challenges along the way and I think it’s important to acknowledge that. So, while there have been challenges in our past, we have also seen a working relationship and a desire to move forward, which again are the themes that we’ve always talked about at the China Development Forum. Since that time in 1998, our business has grown dramatically and today China is Amway’s biggest market by far. And what we have seen over those years is the continual movement forward. Now, like I said, there’s not without challenges. There’s not without ups and downs that have happened, but if we step back, we have seen a very strong and steady, positive movement forward. One of the things that I personally experienced about China is just an awareness of the size and the scope and the challenges that are a part of this marketplace. It’s dynamic. It’s incredible. It has a still unbelievable potential, but it’s going to take a lot of work for this economy to continue to develop well. And we know that while things have gone very strongly in the past, there may be some up and downs in the economic development in the marketplace as well. Amway stays committed for the long term. And so, as you can see, once we started, our industry was shut down, we came back, it’s become our biggest market, and we are committed for the future. I’m looking forward to participating in the China Development Forum this year and I look forward to the ongoing dialogue and discussion about how the marketplace can be improved. How the marketplace can move forward for the citizens of the marketplace, for the consumers in the marketplace, and for all those who are participating from a business perspective in the marketplace as well.
I’ve seen thoughtful, open discussion and I’ve seen positive steps forward and it’s been an honor for us and for Amway to be part of this journey and we look forward to the future with great anticipation. (原标题:安利德·狄维士:中国市场活力、潜力令我惊叹) 责任编辑:一然 解读新闻热点、呈现敏感事件、更多独家分析,尽在以下微信公号,扫描二维码免费阅读。